Amp Up Your Direct Mail with Digital

April 10, 2018
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In the category of cool, last year the USPS introduced the Informed Delivery (ID) an optional digital notification service that gives residents in 31,000 zip codes nationwide a digital preview of their household’s mail. In the category of cooler: USPS has beefed up the preview, giving business mailers new opportunities to reach and interact digitally with consumers by merely knowing their physical address.  

Informed Delivery customers not only see a grayscale image of their mailpiece, but also a full-color image of the direct mail piece and supplemental content that includes a full-color image and URL. This interactive digital element encourages customers to further engage with their favorite products and brands in a natural, simple and convenient way.                        


This enhancement of adding digital to print mail enhances and extends consumer engagement. Informed Delivery customers have an:


Find out how USPS Informed Delivery can help your direct mail campaigns by going to their website and amp up your print mail today!


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